Wellness Resources
We often refer our injured patients to one of several medical providers for evaluation. This is especially true for our patients who've been injured in auto collisions. This medical provider will ensure that all issues are addressed, and nothing is missed. We also refer to local neurologists, orthopedists, and neuropsychologists as needed to aid in the recovery of our patients.
Our radiology services are performed at Radiology, LTD. or SimonMed. The images are read by a radiologist before sending the images and report to our office.
Our office refers to several excellent massage therapists for any soft tissue work needed. Depending on the needs of the patient, they can receive the proper level of massage with one of these fine therapists. If you are in need of quality massage, we recommend:

Standing Taller
Why We're Your First Choice for Chiropractic Care-
Free Consultations Available to All New Patients
Upper Cervical Treatment & Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments Available
Decompression Table, Ultrasounds & Other State-of-the-Art Technology
One of Few Chiropractors in Tucson with an Advanced Certificate for Whiplash
Creates Unique Treatments for Each Patients' Needs

Patient Testimonials
Experiences & Opinions-
“He is the first provider I've had that has been able to eliminate neck pain that had been present for over 20 years.”
“I have seen many chiropractors across many states and NOT ONE compares to Dr. Cross”